I had suffered chronically for about 10 years before proper diagnosis and couldn't make sense of the fatigue and achiness I would feel. Even my orthopedic doctor, a graduate of UNC-CH, misdiagnosed me as having tennis elbow with my first bout of FMS. In 2001, at the Pain Clinic at Duke University Hospital in Durham, NC, I heard the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia for the first time. It relieved me knowing there was a name for all the symptoms I was having.
When I returned to my home in Florida, our support group was a real life saver for me as my symptoms escalated with the murder of my elder of two daughters in 2003. I was already a widow of 15 years at the time. I was unable to provide a godly father figure for my children. As each year ticked away and they grew up without their own daddy, I acutely grieved the hole in their lives.
After moving to South Carolina as an empty nester, I started a group because there was none. We meet monthly to share and care about each other and have a light lunch together. You can probably imagine how difficult it is to encourage people who don't feel good to dress, drive, and come to a meeting in my home, but I believe it is a necessary part of getting some social, spiritual, and medical networking done.
The Spartanburg Christian FMS/CFS Support Group is a tiny part of a community of chronic pain sufferers nationwide and deserves your support, especially since doing so is free! You can even forward this link to others.
This is the link:
The igive team has made many improvements to their search engine recently, so they want lots of people to try it out and put it to the test. If you keep on searching or shopping after testing it out, so much the better for the Spartanburg Christian FMS/CFS Support Group .
The details:
- Offer is $1 for every new member to igive, active between noon, February 24, 2010 and 11:59 a.m., Februrary 25, 2010 (Chicago time). Make sure you select Spartanburg Christian FMS/CFS Support Group as receipient.
- New members only (never have been an iGive member previously). All the normal rules of membership, searching, and purchasing apply; our site has the details. Real people only, who sign themselves up. It's not fair to sign your pets up, the new member has to sign him or herself up.
- Once they've given away $5,000 to all causes combined, the offer ends.
- The special link is important. No link, no $1.
- Visiting a store via iGive is crucial.
That's it. Don't forget to try the search portal (http://isearch.igive.com/) as well as checking out over 700 stores online. You may need to login or register first (personally, as an iGive member).
Blessings and Agape,
Dr. Linda B. Greer
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