Dear Fellow Writers, Publishing Friends, and Good Friends,
After over two years of hustling in the writing world, I have finally earned my first small paycheck for a short story about dogs as part of an anthology to be published by Lonnie Hull DuPont. Oh, my! I guess it will cover the cost for all the paper I have used or thrown away trying to become an accomplished writer. Thanks be to God for His gracious gifts.
I had a wonderful time this past Friday at the First Presbyterian Church of Clinton (pronounced as Clinnon) with Dr. Edna Ellison who spoke to ladies from various area churches on "Putting God First in Your Life". I also made a closer acquaintance with two friends from our common writing group in Spartanburg, Blessed Temple and Dianna. We laughed ourselves into tears on our voyage.
Edna was gracious enough to let me have a small end of her long publications table, and I actually got 4 orders for Susan T. Osborn's anthology Too Soon to Say Goodbye. The women who came to my end of the table were recounting very recent suicides in their circle of friends. I was glad to be able to offer some comfort and a well-written book for them to give to the victims of suicide in their community.
Suicide is becoming an all too often end to lives these days. How sad to suddenly lose a loved one to such a hurtful death. It is an especially deep wound when there is no note left, and you are wondering, "Why did this happen? What could I have done? Were there signs I missed on life's roadway?"
I know, as a contributor to this anthology from my husband's sudden suicide in the Army oveseas, it took me at least three years of recovery to function. I still had two young daughters we brought into the world to mother.
Everyone takes their own path and time to grieve a suicide. Their spiritual heartbeats are weak, irregular, and pining to find God through a valley of tears. Putting time limits on a mourning person just adds to their weight of grief.
Another word of advice to well-meaning friends: When someone has told you their young relative or spouse has died, please don't ask what happened. The surviving members of the family don't know the answer to a suicide and may never know for sure this side of eternity. Offer the mourning person Christian comraderie, your ears, and your prayers. And give them lots of hugs, too!
Blessings and Agape,
Linda B. Greer